Analytics to avoid future equipment downtime Provide your team with reliable answers outside of service hours
Reliable & Speedy Troubleshooting
ExpertAI pulls from real-world knowledge sources (PDFs, manuals, SOPs, recordings, past calls, & more) Ask ExpertAI for help using plain, natural language Receive content curated specifically for your team
Simple Knowledge Sharing
Bridge the skills gap: transfer & deliver vital knowledge when & where it’s needed, any time & anywhere in the world
How We Use Artificial Intelligence
Nobody wants to create work instructions. That’s why ExpertAI is here.
Simply input any real-world technical data:
& More!
Prompt the AI & it uses the information you’ve given it to create clear instructions. These can then be sent to any mobile device for your frontline to follow.
Capturing Knowledge Has Never Been Easier
While it’s easy enough to upload any documentation that you already have to Knowledge Place, what about processes that are undocumented?
We make it as easy as show & tell to capture your processes.
Simply record your process with smartglasses or another mobile device & ExpertAI will transform those recordings into step-by-step instructions anyone else can use.
Even better ExpertAI learns from the transcripts of calls to continuously learn.
Accuracy Matters: ExpertAI’s Refinement Loop
ExpertAI generates content based solely on provided information, avoiding random inaccuracies from external sources.
With a built-in refinement loop, ExpertAI continually learns and improves, seeking feedback and adjusting based on interactions for accurate information presentation.